Saturday, February 19, 2011

So what does a Supermodel really eat?

The other day I stumbled across a fascinating series that the New York Times magazine runs. They feature celebrities and semi celebrities ranging from food network star, Alton Brown to fashion designer Jill Stuart and have them write down everything they eat for a week.

In today's world where we follow celebrities every move this series doesn't surprise me. Since food does reveal so much about who a person is, their lifestyle, their culture etc. reading these food "diaries" does reveal a somewhat intimate side to the people they follow.
I have found myself somewhat addicted and have poured through countless posts curious as to what the rich and famous are eating. So far, my favorite posts are by Micheal Pollan and Alessandra Ambrosio.

I was excited to read Pollan's because after all of his books on what we should and shouldn't be eating I was curious to see whether or not he practices what he preaches. I was mainly surprised at how much he ate out. Another thing I immediately noticed was how pricey most of his meals probably were. It would have been very interesting/telling to see a total cost.

As for Alessandra Ambrosio I was very curious to find out what a supermodel eats. It reminded me a lot of Christine's post "Food as a Facade". Was Ambrosio truly eating all this food or was she desperately trying to avoid the stereotype of another anorexic model? At the beginning of her post she states, " "I don't eat a lot, but I have a little bit of everything". I think this shows that she was trying to be honest. However I do have to wonder what "little bit" means to he. Is a little bit of pancake 1 small serving of pancakes or 2 bites?

Overall, I think this is a really fun series well worth a look!

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