Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Dukan Diet

I recently heard about the Dukan Diet, which is basically a French version of the Atkins Diet. On this diet, you can eat unlimited amounts of high protein foods while most carbs are eliminated. Sound familiar? While I am not surprised by the latest popular (but unhealthy) diet, I am a little surprised that it originated in France. Perhaps I've just been ignorant of previous diet fads from other countries, but whenever I read about how unhealthy Americans are, they are usually compared to the the French. The so-called "French paradox" refers to the rich, fatty diet that the French consume and yet remain thinner than we are. While the French are undoubtedly slimmer than Americans, perhaps their relationship with food is becoming just as unhealthy. Here is one doctor and nutrition researcher's take on the Dukan Diet:

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