Sunday, April 17, 2011

Who is Eating All the Twinkies?

This is from an interesting article I found on the discovery channel website about mass produced foods. It gives ten little known facts about food that is produced in huge quantities. One of the facts that I thought was really interesting was that 16 twinkies are produced every second at the hostess factory. That means that they produce 960 a minute and 57,600 an hour, which adds up to more than a million twinkies every single day. For me, twinkies were the kind of food when I was a kid that I always wanted but I was never provided with. Something about them just seemed so perfect and unattainable. However, now that I am an adult I can truly say that I have very little desire to eat a twinkie. This makes me ask myself the question: who is eating all of those twinkies? I just can't really figure it out. Maybe I just don't realize how many people eat them, or how many people there are in general, but this just seems like a lot of something that many people don't eat.

This is the link to the entire article.

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