I am obsessed with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I have been known to get weird looks at the gym because I am laughing/hacking at them while trying to do the elliptical. They both poke fun at everyone, yet at the same time, they are witty and extremely well-aware of worldly issues. Therefore, I feel as though I can get my comedy and intellectual television all in one!
The other day on the Colbert report, Nathan Myhrvold was interviewed for his new 6 volume series called Modernist Cuisine. Priced at over $600, the book takes an in-depth look at new scientific techniques for cooking, something that many refer to as "molecular gastronomy."
I love thinking about molecular gastronomy because it is something that I would never attempt at home. First of all, where could I get liquid nitrogen to quickly freeze some ice cream? Some modern tools are available to home cooks, such as a sous vide, a cooking technique that involves vacuum sealing food and cooking it in a water bath, so that meat cooks slowly and very evenly. But at approximately $1000 at Williams-Sonoma, I think sticking to the oven or a fry pan is the better option. That being said, this new type of cooking is fascinating because it explores ways to enjoy food that had never been attempted before. It is groundbreaking, and I am sure it is delicious.
As usual, Stephen Colbert pokes fun at his guest, but even he is wowed by the results of some of the techniques. It is a funny clip, and if you have a minute I think you would really enjoy it!
I want that pastrami. I deserve it.